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Anxiety and Depression

Anxiety or depression can contribute to pain intensity and, at the same time, episodes of anxiety and depression can be triggered by persistent pain. While some medications can help with anxiety and depression, many pain management treatments such as mind-body therapies, nutrition and exercise can play a critical role in managing depression and anxiety as well.

Chronic Pain and Indigenous Peoples

Indigenous populations experience chronic pain at disproportionate rates in comparison to their non-Indigenous counterparts. However, Indigenous populations are often less likely to obtain and receive care and support for their experiences of pain. This fact sheet includes resources for Indigenous peoples living with pain related to health care, mental health, housing, and more.

Emotions and Moods

Living with pain can affect your emotions and mood negatively and can increase your risk of depression, anxiety and fear. The good news is the reverse is true as well. When you are happy and focused on the positive things in life, you’re less likely to notice pain. This can help wind down the nervous system and help to manage pain. Your pain is real and it’s also true that it’s “made by the brain”, so we can exert some control over it with time and practice.

Finding a Mental Health Counsellor

Experiences of anxiety and/or depression can cause increased intensity of pain, and flare-ups of pain often impact well-being. As well, people living with pain often deal with profound loss and unwanted changes in their lives and may experience these effects in a variety of ways including grief, anger and isolation.

Using self-help materials, receiving support from friends and family, or joining a local support group can help you develop coping skills. However, sometimes we need extra help. Working with a counsellor may give you the additional guidance you need to manage the emotional and psychological impacts of living with pain.


Flare-ups are periods of increased pain often experienced by people who live with ongoing chronic pain. Sometimes it’s hard to know what triggers a flare-up, especially because there are usually a number of factors involved. Flare-ups usually happen when either our pain increases or there are changes in how well we are dealing with pain.

Grief and Loss

Grief is a natural response to loss and there is no right or wrong way to grieve. Often the pain of loss can be as difficult as the chronic pain, and this can be overwhelming at times. Everyone reacts to grief and loss differently. The experience can involve difficult emotions and impact how you feel and interact with yourself and those around you.


Sometimes living with pain can be overwhelming. It’s not just the pain that hurts; your mind can start to suffer as you try to find a way to make the pain stop. Mindfulness has been often been defined as the awareness that comes from paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment and non-judgmentally.


Movement can be a form of medicine for people with pain. When you use movement as therapy, the number of times in a day and the amount of time spent moving both matter. You don’t have to rely on the same activities every day; trying out new types of movement is encouraged! Whether you’re dancing to the radio while working off stiffness in the morning, cleaning the house or walking the dog, any activity can contribute to improved pain management.


Diet is a critical factor in managing any long-term condition, but until more conclusive research comes out, it can be tough to find specific advice in relation to pain. While there’s no such thing as a cure-all diet for pain, this means we can take an individualized approach to nutrition for pain management and that’s good news! Here are some practical tips for eating well when living with pain.

Pacing and Managing Energy

Pacing means to achieve and maintain a relatively even level of activity energy throughout the day, even though you may naturally want to try and keep up with your family and friends or community. Pacing is not all about stopping the activities you enjoy. With trial and error, pacing will allow you to find out how much activity your body can handle before pain begins to increase.

Psychosocial Community Resources

As you know, chronic pain is much more than just an uncomfortable feeling. Living with pain affects our bodies, our thoughts, our emotions, and how we relate to other people and the world around us.

Community resources are available to support you. Helping to manage your stress, mental health, physical health, sleep and practical needs can provide some relief when living with pain. The following free resources may provide you with some support as part of your pain journey.


Resilience is an important part of managing life with chronic pain. It is the process of adapting when faced with adversity, trauma, threats or significant sources of stress. It grows as we overcome difficult challenges and can actually leave us with more strength than we started with. Here are some tips that can help with building resilience.


Self-advocacy is the ability to speak up for what you need. Self-advocacy also means knowing your rights and about your pain condition so that you can be an “active manager” in your health. With good self-advocacy skills, you can be more confident in taking responsibility and control over your pain management.

Self-Care During COVID-19

It’s normal to experience anxiety and fear, especially during a global pandemic. However, it’s important to recognize triggers that can lead to pain flare-ups and learn how to manage them. Triggers can amplify negative emotions like fear and anxiety, which in turn can worsen the pain. Having a plan in place ahead of time can be helpful if you do experience a pain flare-up.


Self-compassion is a key component of maintaining a healthy and well-balanced approach to self-care. This fact sheet shares some ways of practicing self-compassion in everyday life.


Self-talk is what we habitually say to ourselves without realizing it. Evidence suggests that positive self-talk can be a powerful tool to increase self-confidence, motivation and productivity, while limiting negative emotions.


Since pain and sleep are connected, working on your quality of sleep can have positive impacts on your pain. Here are some practical tips that can help with managing sleep.


Stigma is when someone is judged or experiences discrimination over something that distinguishes them from others – things like culture, gender, race, socioeconomic status, health, and more. People with chronic pain experience stigma from people in in their lives including family, friends, co-workers and perhaps most challengingly, health care providers.

Stress and the Body

Stress is what happens in your brain and your body when something you care about is at stake. Understanding that stress is a natural response and does not automatically mean harm – much like pain sometimes – can help you manage stressful events with a more positive approach. If you learn to notice your stress triggers and what happens for you during a stress response, you can find strategies to address the way it changes your breathing, muscle tension and even mood.

Youth Who Live with Pain

If you are a youth who lives with pain, you may feel unsure of where or who to turn to for help. Your experience with pain can have physical, psychological, and financial effects. Here are some things you can do and resources you can explore.